I want to take a minute to talk about something serious- street harassment. I've never met a woman that hasn't had to deal with cat calls, whistles, and/or unwanted advances at some point in her life. It's something I face about 2-3 times a week as part of my commute to work. Most days I can shrug it off with a witty remark, but Tuesday I dealt with five separate instances of street harassment.
1. 9:00am- On the platform at the train station: "Good morning beautiful". I sigh, roll my eyes and walk away.
2. 9:20am- On the bus a guy sits super close and says "hey baby, how's your day going?". I say "It was going fine until you invaded my personal space" and change seats.
3. 9:25am- Walking from the bus to work, I get honked at and whistled at by a truck full of workers. The driver almost hits a biker because he isn't watching the road. I give them the finger and shout "watch the road". One of the men calls me a stupid bitch.
4. 2:45pm- Out of work early for the Holiday and excited to go meet up with my guy for a late lunch, I'm walking quickly to the bus. While waiting at an intersection for the walk signal a guy says "Excuse me" thinking he's going to ask me for directions, I acknowledge him. He follows up with "where's your boyfriend pretty girl." I say "Please leave me alone" loudly and cross the street.
5. 9pm- Walking with my boyfriend enjoying the beautiful summer evening listening to him tell a funny story when I am distracted by kissy noises and calls of "damn, girl" and "hey sexy" from three men sitting on a stoop. I glare at them, drop my boyfriend's arm and say "You've got to be kidding me." He looks confused because he didn't hear any of it. I explain what happened and that I would have said something back to them had he not been with me. They outnumbered him 3 to 1, and I didn't want to start anything. I then vent to him about my day. I'm shocked that this happened with him. Normally men don't bother you if you appear to "belong" to someone else.
By the end of the day I felt unsafe, pissed, annoyed, anxious, and sad.
I don't know what it is that makes some men think that I get dressed for them in the morning, but I don't. I get dressed for me. This sundress is for me! Women deserve to live in a culture where we can walk freely in our communities without fear of harassment or assault.
Dress and Belt: H&M
Cardigan: Target
Sandals: Payless
If you are experiencing street harassment, or want to do more check out Hollaback! Please don't ignore street harassment! Take a stand. Talk about it and share your stories.
I'll get down off my soap box now, but I felt the need to share with y'all.